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NU Broad Street Photography Complete


Photography is complete for BLOOM's reenvisioning of the College of Professional Studies at Northeastern’s Broad Street Campus. A colorful series of lounges, found spaces, and private areas for study, dining, and socializing line the lobby and halls of this satellite campus in Boston. The campus houses a diverse range of ages, nationalities and academic programs including international pre-freshman programs, distance learning coursework, Masters and Doctoral programs, in overlapping curriculum, 7 days a week throughout the year, including night courses. As a standalone building unattached to a traditional campus, Broad Street must serve as a site for not only classes, but also repose, socializing, group work, tutoring, counseling, and meals, at all hours.

View of Main Lounge / Reception area

Colorful felt-lined private study nooks are tucked into the edges of circulation spaces

A small huddle space at a node between classroom blocks

Comfortable felt-lined seating alcoves turn the circulation spaces into useful social / study areas

Color is used to enliven the space, but also for wayfinding, with different color zones delineating separate spatial areas

View of large multi-function student lounge

Rendering of large multi-function student lounge

Rendering of typical corridor

Rendering of typical circulation node

© BLOOM Architecture

784a Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02118

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