Currently on the boards, this new geothermal house sits perched on the edge of Lake Winnipesaukee, with mesmerizing views to both an inner cove and the expanse of the lake. Equally stunning are the quiet views into the deep woods, with no other houses in sight. At the foot of a hill surrounded by dense forest, the house sits low on the site, and utilizes a combination of passive solar strategies, geothermal heating, and an advanced envelope design to minimize resource usage. An expansive living space is the center of the home, balanced by nooks and intimately scaled adjacent spaces, to provide a variety of settings in which to enjoy the natural setting. A small level "beach" area, patio with fire pit, and organic landscaping will complete this family friendly home.
Above and below are initial renderings to illustrate massing and fenestration concepts.

View from lake toward the house.

View of the bedroom wing toward the lake beyond

View from the private beach and existing cabin, looking back to the living room and kitchen